Thursday, September 27, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

Portfolio 4: Spirit Week

Choose your two best photos from spirit week to include in portfolio 4. Only two are required but you may include more. Label your photos as "Spirit Week" and then the name of the day, such as "Hat Day." Include these in the same powerpoint as your first entry for portfolio 4.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Suggested Portfolio Order

Here is a suggested order of slides for your portfolio powerpoint:
1. Name of portfolio (ex. Portfolio 4) with your name
2. Name of assigned picture with a definition in your own words
3. My photos slide 1
4. My photos slide 2
5. Example photo 1 with description
6. Example photo 2 with description
7. Example photo 3 with description
8. Name of next assigned picture with a definition

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Portfolio 3 Due / Test Friday

Portfolio 3 is due on Friday, September 14th. Portfolio 3 should include the following photos: picasa collage, panography, formal balance and unusual angle.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Portfolio 3: Picture 1

The first photo for portfolio 3 is to create a collage using picasa. Save this image to your flash drive.