Thursday, September 22, 2016

Portfolio 2: DUE TOMORROW

The following will be due tomorrow for Portfolio 2:

1. Blur Filter Gallery
2. Sports Mode Pictures (definition, 2 original pictures, 3 internet examples)
3. Photoshop Tutorials (5 with links)
4. Camera Mode Assignment (check blog)
5. Quick Selection (Car)
6. Black and White to Color (before and after)
7. Smooth Skin Tutorial (before and after)
8. Eye Color Tutorial (before and after).
9. Black and White to Color Part 2 (before and after)
10. Macro Mode Pictures (definition, 2 original pictures, 3 internet examples)

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Camera Mode REVIEW

Please answer the questions below in Canvas. If you have time, study the icons/descriptions for the test on Friday.

Use the link below or search the internet to answer the following questions.

1. What is the difference between shutter priority and aperture priority?
2. In manual mode, which two functions are controlled by the camera person?
3. What does "ISO" mean and what is the difference between manual and auto iso?
4. What is the difference between sports mode and landscape mode?
5. Macro mode is best for what type of photos?
6. In portrait mode, the camera is automatically selecting what size of aperture and why?

Portfolio 2: What You Should Have So Far

After today, you should have the following items in your portfolio 2:

1. Blur Filter Gallery Before and After
2. Sports Mode Definition
3. 3 Examples of sports mode from the internet (don't forget links and a description of why you think that makes a good sports mode photo)
4. 2 Original sports mode pictures

Thursday, September 8, 2016


The following should be included in portfolio 1:

1. Rule of Thirds photo (definition, 3 internet examples*, 2 original examples)
2. Optimizing Images (football picture)
3. Photoshop Crop
4. Combining Images from Photoshop
5. Shallow Depth of Field photo (definition, 3 internet examples, 2 original examples)

*don't forget to link your internet examples