Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Portfolio 3: What You Should Have So Far

1. Macro Mode Pics (definition slide, internet examples, 2 original examples)
2. Black and White To Color
3. Smooth Skin Tutorial
4. Eye Color Tutorial
5. Black and White To Color Part 2
6. Landscape Photos (definition slide, internet examples, 2 original examples)
7. Creating Movement Tutorial (car, smoke, etc.)

Monday, February 27, 2017

Portfolio 3: Creating Movement Tutorial

Click on the link to follow the tutorial. Add the result to portfolio 3.

 Step 1: Lasso the car and hit control J, go back to background layer and blur
Step 2: Select wheels and blur
Step 3. Go to layer, new layer and change to pin light. Check your colors to make sure they are correct and use the paint bucket underneath the gradient tool to paint your layer black. Then go to filter, render clouds. Erase the clouds you don't need using the eraser tool.


Using EXIF Data

GO TO CANVAS TO COMPLETE THIS ASSIGNMENT. Please read the article and answer the questions below to learn more about using EXIF data.


1. What is EXIF data?
2. List the ways you can see EXIF data?
3. Describe how you can use EXIF data to improve your photos.
4. How can you use EXIF data to see if your image is grainy or has too much noise?

Friday, February 24, 2017

Portfolio 3: Landscape

Your next photo assignment for portfolio 3 is to capture a landscape photograph. Read the information in the link below about using horizon lines in your photos.


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Self-Portrait with Newsboy

ASSIGNMENT FOR THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23. After completing, make sure your portfolio 3 is up to date.

The name of the photo below is "Self-Portrait with Newsboy." Use the photography to answer questions in CANVAS (click on it to enlarge it). In canvas, look for the assignment titled "Self-Portrait."

PIXLR: Online Image Editor

Check out this new online image editing software:


Taking Better Photographs

Please complete this in CANVAS.


1. What do you think is the most important technique when it comes to taking good photographs?

2. Why is it important to set your camera to the highest possible resolution?

3. What are some common mistakes people make when using their cameras?

4. What does "white balance" mean?

5. What is ISO and why is it important to use a slower ISO speed?

6. List four tips for taking good photographs and describe why they are important.

7. How can you avoid taking blurry photos?

8. Define "red eye" and describe what you can do to avoid it in your photos.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Black and White to Color Part 2

Click on the link below to learn another method for bringing back color to a black and white image. Please add this to Portfolio 3.


Photoshop Tutorial: Eye Color

Please follow the tutorial and include this picture in portfolio 3. Include a before and an after image.


Photoshop Tutorial: Smooth Skin

Click the link below for this tutorial. Include the result in Portfolio 3 under the heading "Smooth Skin Tutorial." Please include a before and after picture and don't forget to link your original photo.


Portfolio 3: Black and White to Color

Please use a picture that you have or obtain from the Internet to complete this assignment.

Directions: Open your picture in Photoshop, go to IMAGE-ADJUSTMENTS-DESATURATE to make your picture black and white. Then choose the HISTORY BRUSH to bring back some color to your image. Use the brush size, zoom and undo buttons as necessary.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Portfolio 3: Macro/Close Up Mode

Today we will be taking pictures in the macro mode. You will need a definition slide, two original photos for your portfolio and three examples from the internet. Don't forget to describe your example photos.



Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Future of Digital Photography

Go to Canvas to answer the questions below.

1. What is phoneography and how does it differ from photography?
2. What technological advances will shape the future of photography?
3. How does apps such as Instagram, HippoCam, or Pudding Camera make it easy to create an artistic project?
4. What is a WVIL camera?
5. What is light field technology and what are its advantages?

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

PORTFOLIO 2: What You Should Have So Far

This will be due Friday.

1. Blur Filter Example
2. Sports Mode Pictures (examples, definition slide, etc)
3. Portrait Mode Pictures (examples, definition, etc)
4. CS6 Tutorials from Blog (5)
5. Camera Modes from Blog (5)
6. Combining Images Before and After
7. Blur Background of Car

Quick Selection Tool

Check out this video which shows how you can create motion blur using the quick selection tool.


ASSIGNMENT: Find a picture of a car from the internet that doesn't have motion blur in the background. Use photoshop to quick select the car and add a blur to the background. Save this to to portfolio 2 with a before and after.


1. Quick select your car/truck
2. Press Control J to duplicate your selection
3. Make sure your background layer is selected
4. Click filter-blur-motion blur to add blur to your background

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Camera Modes Test

Study these icons and definitions for a test tomorrow.

Icons to Remember for TEST

The following two icons will also be on the test today! The first one is an icon indicating "BURST SHOOTING." The one below it indicates the "TIMER."

Camera Mode Assignment for Portfolio 2

For this assignment, I want you to locate the best example from the web for each of the following modes: portrait, aperture priority, macro, slow shutter priority and landscape.

Insert each image into your powerpoint with a description of why this photo fits that particular mode and the URL (I want to know where you downloaded the picture from).


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Assignment for Thursday, February 9

Please search the internet for photoshop CS6 tutorials. Make sure to look for tutorials that result in an end product (not tutorials on how to use photoshop). Pick out 5 tutorials that you might like to complete during this semester. For each tutorial, please include the following:

1. A paragraph for each tutorial that explains the tutorial and why you would like to complete it. What interests you about that particular tutorial?
2. A link to the tutorial.

Finally, pick out your favorite tutorial and explain why you like it the best.


Portfolio 2: Portraits

Capture two portraits for your next photo in portfolio 2. Use either the portrait mode or aperture priority. See below for more information on creating a good portrait.



Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Portfolio 2: Sports Mode

Your next assignment for portfolio 2 is to take two pictures in sports mode or shutter priority mode. Your goal is to create an image that freezes the action, such as the picture below. Remember, when you get back to class you also need to add a definition slide and three examples from the internet.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Introduction to Photoshop CS6



What's New in Photoshop CS6


Camera Modes Powerpoint

Please click the link to view the camera modes powerpoint.


Portfolio 2: Blur Filter Gallery

Your first assignment for portfolio 2 is to use the blur filter gallery in photoshop to create an image with a shallow depth of field.

1. Open an image from the internet or a photo you have taken with a lot of depth of field (meaning that most of the image is in focus)
2. Open the image in photoshop.
4. Save the result and post a before and after to portfolio 2.

Click the link below to watch a video that demonstrates the blur filter gallery.


Friday, February 3, 2017

Portfolio 1: DUE TODAY

The following should be included in portfolio 1, which will be due Friday, February 3:

1. Rule of Thirds Photo
2. Optimizing Football Photo from blog
3. Shallow Depth of Field Photo
4. Cropping Tool Example (before and after)
5. Large Depth of Field Photo

*remember, all photos we take outside require a definition slide and three examples from the internet with a description, and two original examples (don't forget to link your example photos from the internet)

Photography Careers

Please go to Canvas to complete this assignment.


1. Please summarize each of the following headings found in the link above: earnings, employment, working conditions, nature of work and photography training.

2. What allows the photographer to have a greater creative control over the picture taking process?

3. How is being a news photographer different from being a commercial/industrial photographer?

4. Do you think it would be easy to become a professional photographer? Why or why not? What skills are required to become a professional photographer?

(please give thorough answers to all of the questions above)

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Portfolio 1: Large Depth of Field

Your last photo assignment for portfolio 1 is to capture two photos with a large depth of field. This means that most, if not all of the image will be in focus.