Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Things to remember!

Facts to remember about portrait photography
-         Most pros shoot with a short zoom lens (85-100mm)
-         Most lenses in this range are called portrait lenses
-         Allow you to shoot at a good working range (10-12 feet)
-         Gives you and your subject breathing room
-         Shooting in this range eliminates unflattering facial distortion common in wide angle lenses (things can looked to compresses with a telephoto lens)
-         Buy a zoom lens that will cover this range
-         Easy to change composition with this zoom range
-         Keep the background as simple as possible
-         The simpler the background the stronger the photo will be
-         Throw the background out of focus by using an aperture like f/2.8 or f/4
-         Make sure your background is no brighter than your subject (the darker the better)
-         It’s critical to have the eyes in sharp focus for portraits
-         Generally, portraits look best when taken at eye level
-         Get low to shoot kids (just like flowers)
-         Shoot close-ups by positioning eyes 1/3 from the top  of the frame (rule of thirds)
-         Gives your shot more visual interest
-         Frame your shots with your subject(s) filling most of the frame
-         Sunlight during the middle of the day is often harsh, unflattering
-         Move your subject into the shade to get great portraits during the day
-         Softer, warmer light (vibrant color)
-         Natural light is the key to great looking portrait shots
-         Reflectors bounce sunlight to create a soft natural light
-         Can also be used to fill in shadows if you have to shoot in sunlight
-         Many colors to choose from
-         Red eye is caused by the lens being too close to the flash

1. A pentaprism is a mechanical mirror system
2. What does DSLR stand for?
3. List ways to get the sharpest image?
4. What is mirror lock up?
5. What is EXIF data?
6. You should avoid increasing your ISO if possible even in low light.
7. White balance adjusts the color of your photograph
8. A polarizer filter increases saturation and reduces reflections
9. A UV filter reduces haze and protects the lens
10. A soft focus filter slightly defocuses the image
11. A graduated filter changes color gradually from maximum to clear
12. Advantages of DSLR over point and shoot

Portfolio 5 DUE 10-11-12

The following photos are due in portfolio 5: spot the difference (2 photos - before and after), portrait (2 original photos/3 examples/definition slide), photoshop tutorials - sphere, photo restoration, ghost effect.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Portfolio 5: Portrait

The second photo for portfolio 5 is a portrait. Make sure you include a definition slide, 2 photos that you have taken and 3 examples from the web.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Portfolio 4 DUE TODAY

The following photos are due for portfolio 4. Informal balance, your two best shots from spirit week, photoshop tutorial: smooth skin and eye color. You need a folder on your drive that is labeled portfolio 4 with your name. Inside you should have your portfolio 4 powerpoint and your raw photos.