Friday, December 9, 2016

Portfolio 6: DUE TODAY

The following should be included in portfolio 6:

1. Panography
2. Speech Bubble Picture
3. Final Comic Strip Narrative
4. Retro Comic Book Effect Tutorial
5. Forced Perspective Photos (definition, examples, etc.)
6. Magazine Advertisement
7. Alphabet Picture (examples and original pictures)

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Photography and Copyright Law

This is Charles Porter's photograph of firefighter Chris Fields holding the dying infant Baylee Almon during the aftermath of the Oklahoma City bombing in 1996. This photo won the Pulitzer Prize for Spot News Photography. Please answer the following questions below.
1. This famous photo has been reproduced many times. What does copyright law say about photography and its use in magazines, newspapers, etc?
2. What is the Federal Copyright Act of 1976?
3. What does "fair use" mean?

Monday, December 5, 2016

Magazine Advertisements

Click on the link below to answer the following questions in canvas.

1. What is the difference between an ad that "bleeds" or does not "bleed?"

2. What does resolution mean and why is it important in print advertising?

3. Why is it recommended to use images in your advertising at close to 100% original size?

4. Describe two common problems that you might encounter with ads?

5. List and describe a few guidelines for creating a print ad file.

Effective Advertising Techniques

Read the article below on effective advertising techniques.