Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Portfolio 2: Black and White to Color

Pick two photos you have taken or you can get them from the internet. Use photoshop (the history brush) to transform part of the image from black and white to color (see the example below).

Thursday, September 4, 2014


The following should be included in portfolio 1:

1. Rule of Thirds photos (2), definition slide, 3 examples
2. Photoshop: Combining images (changing parts of an image)
3. Photoshop: Liquify
4. Photoshop: Cropping
5. Shallow Depth of Field photos (2), definition slide, 3 examples

Points will be taken away for the following:
1. Untitled presentation (-2 pts)
2. Missing assignment (-10 pts)
3. Out of focus photos (-5 pts)
4. Blurry examples photos (-2 pts)
5. No name on portfolio slide (-2 pts)
6. Incorrect spelling (-2 pts)
7. Missing examples (-3 pts)