Friday, December 12, 2014

Final Exam Review

Use the link below to answer the following questions.

1. What is the difference between shutter priority and aperture priority?
2. In manual mode, which two functions are controlled by the camera person?
3. What does "ISO" mean and what is the difference between manual and auto iso?
4. What is the difference between sports mode and landscape mode?
5. Macro mode is best for what type of photos?
6. In portrait mode, the camera is automatically selecting what size of aperture and why?

Thursday, December 11, 2014


The following should be included in Portfolio 7, which is due tomorrow:

1. 2 random tutorials
2. Product Advertisement
3. Blur Effect Tutorial
4. Forced Perspective photo (2) with definition slide and examples from internet
5. Movie Poster
6. Text with photo showing through tutorial

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Aperture, Shutter and ISO REVIEW

Click the link below and answer the questions in the form of an email sent to me.

1. Define ISO, Aperture and Shutter Speed.
2. Describe how aperture affects your depth of field.
3. Describe how shutter speed affects motion in your photograph.
4. Define overexposure and underexposure.
5. If you can't have a perfect exposure, is it better to have an underexposed or overexposed photo? Why?
6. What happens with the camera (in terms of the aperture and shutter speed) when you have a perfect exposure?